Part One: Department Summaries
1. Early Years Foundation Stage
Part Two: My Learning
3. English
4. Maths
7. Science
8. RE
9. Humanities
10. PSHE
11. ICT
12. PE
13. Food Technology
14. Art
15. Music
16. MFL
18. Accreditation
Part Three: Wellbeing
1. Interventions at Rachel Madocks
2. School Home Integrated Partnership
3. Hydrotherapy
4. Relaxation / TacPac / Massage Stories / Meditation
5. Healthy Eating, Break and Lunchtimes
Part Four: Independence
1. Residentials
2. Schedules / Timetables / Object Cues / Sensory
4. Assessment
Part Five: Working Together
1. Whole School Events and Theme Days
2. Assemblies
5. Rachel Madocks Careers Strategy
6. Working with Medical Professionals
8. Parent Forum