Hello and welcome to the Governors’ page.
We are a friendly and diverse group of people, all volunteers, who bring a variety of different experiences and expertise to the school.
We meet each half term to discuss and support the strategic management of the school. The minutes of these meetings are available on request from the school office.
If you have any questions about the school’s policies, or feel that some changes are needed, you are welcome to contact a governor. Governors regularly attend parents’ evenings and school events, and you may see us around school when attending meetings. Governors can also be contacted in writing via the school office or by emailing governors@rachelmadocks.hants.sch.uk
Being a governor is both interesting and rewarding. Governors have three main roles:
• To support and challenge the work of the school. To be a critical friend and ask questions about what the school does and the benefits to the pupils.
• To think and act strategically by looking at the big picture – we’re not involved in the day-to-day running of the school.
• Overseeing the financial performance of the school, ensuring good value for money.
We currently are recruiting for a Co-opted Governor. In looking to fill this vacancy the governors of the school have identified the following skills, experience and attributes that they feel would help strengthen the governing body:
• Commitment and interest in our children’s future and improving educational outcomes
• Inquisitiveness to read paperwork, analyse and question
• The ability to assimilate information and make decisions
• Good inter-personal skills and the ability to work as part of a team
• Experience of areas such as education, finance, personnel and business
Our meetings take place at school, at 5:00pm. Governors are now able to attend meetings virtually if they are unable to attend a particular meeting in person. Further information and a link to the application form can be found under vacancies on the school website. All potential governors are invited to visit the school and meet with the Headteacher and governors, and perhaps attend a meeting. All potential governors are required to complete an application form, and those selected will need an enhanced DBS check.
If you are interested in becoming a governor, please contact us at governors@rachelmadocks.hants.sch.uk or ring 02392 241818 and we will be happy to provide further information.
Governors’ Attendance at Meetings