Welcome to Rachel Madocks School

Hello and welcome to Rachel Madocks School. We are a small Special School for children aged 2-19 with severe and profound multiple learning difficulties. Many of our students have additional diagnoses and complex needs requiring frequent medical assistance or require support with behaviour due to their autism or severe learning disability.

Our school community is focused on all-round learning, including learning and working with parents and carers about their children so we can challenge accepted outcomes and promote high expectations, involvement in the community, communication and independence skills. This is reflected in a personalised approach to teaching and learning, a rich curriculum and a dedicated interventions team to support wellbeing.

We are very proud of our students’ achievements as well as our innovative, creative and dedicated staff. To find out more, please explore our website or contact us to arrange a visit.

We look forward to seeing you.

In the meantime, please look at our Facebook page @RachelMadocksSchool for our latest news.

Niki Wilson
